A sculptural exploration Pt.1

A sculptural exploration Pt.1

Third year. Art school. Semester 1.

I mentioned in my 2-week ‘transition’ project about my struggles with hormonal conditions and illnesses. This isn’t something that I can put to the side (for those that do not know I have: hyperthyroidism, PCOS, insulin resistance and possibly other conditions). Since this is a current topic and fairly new I decided to use my art to support the exploration of my body, conditions as well as my physical and mental state. These conditions can affect fertility and this was one of my main fears, so the theme of motherhood too became a topic that could not be missed.

This semester has been challenging for many reasons. This has been the first semester in 1.5 years that has been the closest it has been to normality so it was a chance to make up for lost time: learn as much as possible and learn all those techniques I didn’t have the chance to. However, at the same time create a project, something you’re passionate about, something you want to share.

So. No, I’m not pregnant or trying to. However, have you heard of PCOS? Have you heard of Hashimoto, hypothyroidism, endometriosis, and insulin resistance? These are different conditions and illnesses that affect the ovaries, hormones, and the body. Millions of women, have to face these. For some, the pain is that they long for children, a family of their own that they may or may not be able to have. For others, it’s the physical and psychological pain of the body alone that they have to deal with first and foremost.

Alongside thorough academical research, I sent out a questionnaire to get a sense of women’s approach to their physical health and specifically to motherhood. (I would like to touch upon this topic in another post so I won’t say much more about it here.) Part of the research was an analysis of my own life by keeping a diary of my diet, and physical and emotional experiences, every day. Not only medication can be the solution/help but a diet too, that in many cases can do much more and so that it was I had to explore and analyse.

I needed this project to be thorough, not only for me but for other women. I also needed to be skilful, I need to prove to myself I could create. This was going to be the project that will either make or break me as an artist.

The Gab’ Eye

Ps. This is a deep subject that I wish to get into in further posts, both into context and the techniques used.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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