Roots In Identity | Degree Show 2023

Artist Statement 06/2023 My practice has a basis within traditional sculpture, with a contemporary approach to the context. The process comes hand in hand with the outcome, which includes research and thematic exploration. Together the result becomes complete. My choice of medium is wood for its intricacies, space for symbolism and the varied possibilities of creating. Most recently my research […]

In Media Res | PreDegree Show 2022

Installation titled: Roots in Identity The work on display is a cumulation of thoughts, exploration and discovery that have taken place over 22 years. It isn’t an endpoint. It is the investigation of the dreaded question ‘Who am I?’. There is a natural need to know your roots and who you are at this point in history. I immigrated from […]

A sculptural exploration Pt.1

Third year. Art school. Semester 1. I mentioned in my 2-week ‘transition’ project about my struggles with hormonal conditions and illnesses. This isn’t something that I can put to the side (for those that do not know I have: hyperthyroidism, PCOS, insulin resistance and possibly other conditions). Since this is a current topic and fairly new I decided to use […]

Helen Chadwick Piss Flowers 1991-2 |IA|

The sculpture pieces titled ‘Piss Flowers’ by Helen Chadwick created in 1991 to 1992 is a series of casts that even though created through a thought-out process, are a product of chance and lack of control. They created the initial shapes by using the natural act of ‘pissing’ in snow. This is not something that can be completely controlled as […]

Pauline Boty It’s A Mans’ World II 1964-66 |IA|

Pauline Boty created ‘It’s A Mans’ World II’ between 1964 and 1965 at a time where feminism was rising back up to fight for equality within representation in society. Boty presents the divide between the genders within the collage with a black line separating two sections each summing up the importance of the sex within society. On the left panel […]

Artistic Restart.

I have hit the restart button (again). This time, I have a clearer vision for this blog and it will be a way of supporting my practice as an artist. Since my last post a lot has happened. I am currently studying Contemporary Art Practice at Gray’s School of Art and I have just started the second semester of my […]