Inconsistent Focus on PCOS

I am starting a new project that will lead me up until Christmas. I have chosen the topic of PCOS and related conditions that effect motherhood. Recently, I have been diagnosed with PCOS, insulin resistance and hyperthyroidism. These confitions have had a huge impact on dealing with everyday life and also planning a future. This is an ongoing investigation into […]

Writing about Art

As a start for my Contextual and Critical Studies I had to answer the following questions with support from selected reading. I wanted to share my response with you. What is the role of reading (or doing) “theory” for you? How do you (want to) talk & write about art & design? Reading and theory is the basis of knowledge […]

Pauline Boty It’s A Mans’ World II 1964-66 |IA|

Pauline Boty created ‘It’s A Mans’ World II’ between 1964 and 1965 at a time where feminism was rising back up to fight for equality within representation in society. Boty presents the divide between the genders within the collage with a black line separating two sections each summing up the importance of the sex within society. On the left panel […]