
Przyjadę, poznam, zakocham się, pożegnam, wyjadę, popłacze. Jest to cykl młodej dziewczyny mieszkającej za granicą szukającej miłości w ojczyźnie. Zostanie on przełamany w momencie gdy nie będzie musiała się żegnać gdyż ona zostanie lub on pojedzie za nią. (Może się jednak zdarzyć że poznam kogoś w Anglii.) Myślę że każdy człowiek czuje obawę przed zostaniem samym na tym świecie lecz […]

Adventure begins

As I say goodbye to England for two months a new adventure begins. With so much planned I will be kept busy with new stories to tell in the future. High school has reached its end and my first year at NSCD is over. A chapter of my life has been written. Reaching the age of 16 I am gaining […]

Student Life…

Right. Guys, what is the point of GCSE’s? As we learn in OCR Biology unit 6 – cramming only goes into our short term memory. So, whats the point of education. If only the government took care of making us do more work in school then we would actually become more intelligent. Well, anyway, I have spent the past two […]

3 countries, 1 day

Few weeks back I flew to Spain for the weekend to celebrate my brothers investiture but it was no ordinary trip. My story begins Friday night when it turned out that we cannot check in on the internet. Very early (five am) at the airport we receive the news that “we [they] overbooked, you [we] should have checked in earlier, we […]

Echad Mi Yodea

GCSE’s, coursework, exams, revision, dance and still found time to perform at the Spring concert at school. This is a dance that me and my group prepared during our BTEC dance course. It is based on the original by the Batsheva dance company (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoMu__m-DjM). It took a lot of research about the Jewish faith to understand the meaning behind the […]

Let it snow…

Last night, I posted my cover of ‘Let it snow’ by Michael Buble and when I woke up this morning I found the whole place covered in snow!!! Have a listen 🙂  


Last week I went with my mum and brother for an evening walk. We don’t usually go out together. (I took my camera that I borrowed from a friend hence the photo). We began to talk, about everything, about our move to England and just life all together. For the first time in my life I realized that it wasn’t […]

Chce tak jak ON

“Czy kiedys sie czulas jakby wszyscy byli przeciwko Tobie?” “Czy bylas w sytuacji w ktorej czulas sie calkiem sama?” “Czy czulas sie kiedykolwiek jakbys byla jedyna na tym swiecie?” Tak. W Anglii nie mamy lekcji Religii lecz etyke –  problemy swiatowe I poglady roznych religii. Ostatnio na lekcji kazano nam sie podzielic na tych ktorzy sa za aborcja I tych ktorzy […]